with Rachel Babaganov
23. März 2024 - 24. März 2024
Learn and experience the Wim Hof Method in its purest form for a full weekend: with a supportive group and in the beautiful nature of Switzerland!
- This will be an unforgettable weekend. Together we will learn the basics of the Wim Hof Method and dive deeper into the practice. Be ready for a weekend of movement, nature, community and transformation.
- Snacks & Tea (Please bring a light lunch)
- Learn the Wim Hof Basics: Cold, Breath-work, Mind Setting/Intention
- Science and Theory behind the Wim Hof Method
- Wim Hof breathing theory and mechanics
- Multiple breath-work sessions
- Ice bath in nature
- Movement
- Surprise activities
- Opening/closing circles
Accommodations Options
- Accommodation is not included. The best option is an Airbnb or hotel room in Lucerne.
Please Note:
- All sales are final – tickets are non-refundable. If you have purchased a ticket and are unable to attend – you may pass your ticket to a friend.
- Full event details including location will be provided following ticket purchase
Dates and Times:
- Saturday 11:00 - 18:00
- Sunday 11:00 - 16:00
Preis: EURO 449 / CHF 440
LIV lab-Abobesitzer/innen erhalten 10% Rabatt (exkl. Schnupperabo).
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