Bianca Sissing Loetscher

Yoga teacher & Founder

In 2003 I started my personal Yoga practice. During a visit to India in 2012, with an intense Yoga, meditation and Yoga philosophy daily practice, I fell in love with this ancient practice. I finally felt understood. I found my place.

For me Yoga is not just a form of exercise or a series of postures. Yoga is a way of life, a philosophy of being. It’s just as important how you live your life off the mat as what you do on the mat. Yoga is wellness/healing/therapy for the body, mind, and spirit.

I take inspiration from every teacher that I’ve practised with, and learn from every class and training I take. Personal development is an important part of my life and I enjoy being a student on the mat just as much as guiding others as a teacher.

Studio classes, private clients, workshops, festivals, hotels, corporate, as a full time teacher I enjoy a wide range of teaching opportunities since 2013. I am registered with Yoga Alliance International as E-RYT 500 and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider).


Do you have any tips for Yoga newbies?

You don’t have to be flexible to do Yoga. Practice every day, even if it’s just ten minutes. Asana, breathing, meditation/stillness… do something every day. You will feel the difference. And, no judgements, for yourself or others.


English / German

Education & Trainings

  • 2025: Long Life Qi Gong, 5 Day Training with Peter Caughey, Forest Rock Qi Gong, Bali
  • 2024: Qi Gonq Shi Ba Shi, 5 Day Training with Jordi Jules, Bali Qi Gong, Ubud Bali
  • 2024: Sound Healing Academy; Soulful Soundscape, Sound Training with Punnu Wassu, Ubud Bali 
  • 2020 : 30-Stunden Dynamic Thai Yoga Massage, Training mit Juan Carlos Russo, Ubud, Bali 
  • 2019: 100-Stunden SOHA Teacher Training – Chinese Traditional Medicine (Meridians) & Thai Yoga Massage, mit Daniela Garza Rios und Carlos Romero, Ubud, Bali
  • 2018: Indigenous Schamanistic Practitioner, Training mit Gregory Drambour, Arizona, Kalifornien
  • 2015 bis 2018: Mediumship, Psychic & Aura Reading, Arthur Findley Collage, London, England
  • 2015: RYT-500, Advanced Multi Style Yoga & Meditation, Association for Yoga and Meditation, Rishikesh, Indien
  • 2013: RYT-200, Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher Training, Source of Yoga, Los Angeles, Kalifornien
  • 2012 bis 2017: Reiki Energy & Spirit Healing Practitioner. Levels I & II mit Roger Weston, Lineage of Mikao Usui. Master Level III mit Melina Fuhrmann, Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher und Brennan Healing Science Practitioner
  • 2010: CAS Health Promotion and Prevention, Hochschule Luzern HLSU
  • 2005: Certified Holistic Massage Practitioner, Body Basics London School of Massage, London, England
  • 1998 bis 2003: Bachelor-Diplom in Psychologie, Universität Waterloo, Kanada